Appendix E.

Seven-Month Employees

Seven-month employees are temporary employees employed for a period which exceeds 120 days and is ordinarily no greater than seven months in duration. Such employees shall be appointed to job classifications contained within this contract and be compensated at the applicable wage rates in effect for their assigned classification. Seven-month employees shall not receive step increases in pay based upon their actual service.

After successfully completing one regular six (6) month probationary period, a seven-month employee will not be subject to any probationary period in subsequent seven-month appointments in the same job classification. Layoffs from and recall to seven-month positions shall be conducted based upon cumulative temporary seniority.

The following benefits shall be provided to seven-month employees:

  1. Five days (40 hours) of vacation time for each full seven months of employment accrued at the rate of 2.67 hours per pay period. The use of such vacation may commence after completion of three months of continuous service. Any vacation hours used in advance of accrual shall be reimbursed to the City if termination of employment, for whatever reason, occurs before seven months of service is rendered.
  2. Five days (40 hours) of sick leave earned at the rate of 2.67 hours per pay period and to be used anytime after it is accumulated.
  3. Pay for all holidays provided for in this contract (except the birthday holiday) which occur during the seven-month period. Seven-month employees are not eligible for the birthday holiday.
  4. Jury duty leave as provided in this contract. See Article XV, Section B.
  5. Injury leave ("J" Time) as provided in this contract. See Article XVIII.
  6. Union deductions as provided in this contract. See Article XXI, Section A.4. Noothertypes of payroll deductions will be allowed.
  7. Deferred compensation as provided in this contract. See Article XXIX.
  8. Reimbursement under the shoe allowance provisions of this contract. See Article XXXI, Section B.

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